216 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for beserker42


Tue 13th Aug 14:49
Battle of Waterloo rated  Perfect
This game is perfect in the respect that it can't be won by luck. While luck as always is certainly a factor its overwhelmed entirely by the deep level of strategy and planning which goes into this game. Simply put a few lucky rolls won't win this game for you.

If you're playing anybody good and you want to win, it requires turns of advanced planning and strategic placement. Doing all that with only 6 attacks and 2 fortifies makes move conservation the utmost priority.

The complexity of this game combined with its deceptively simple objective makes it a pleasure to play.

A couple simple simple hints some of which have already been mentioned I'm sure: Never forget to make certain your opponent is at least 7 hexes away from completing their line at the end of your turn. If you're confused as to whether or not a territory is a road simply go to the default map and look if the territory in question is a 0 or a 1. 0's are roads 1's are hills. It is of the utmost importance to try to grab hills between crossroads as early as possible. Finally remember your first priority must be considering what your oppenent will do on his next turn not what you want to do on your next turn.

I better stop giving away my strategies here but just let me end by saying that this board is far and away the best dueling board I've ever found. (With the cavet that if you are playing somebody who is of your same approximate skill level and you both know what you're doing this could end up being a very long game.)
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Fri 9th Aug 15:16
War Of The Roses rated  Perfect
Excellent Multi-faceted game with a great deal of strategy, manuvering and balancing required.
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